147 - Donnie Darko (2001)

A teenager is haunted by a strange rabbit-like creature who predicts the world will soon end.

Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal) is a recovering schizophrenic. He is also a rebellious teen and when his mother finds out that he is no longer taking his medication she is less than impressed.

One night, Donnie is awakened by a mysterious rabbit-headed creature who leads him to a golf course. When he returns home in the morning he finds that an aeroplane engine has crashed through the roof of the house straight into his bedroom.

Later Donnie finds that the creature, whom he names Frank, has declared that the world will end within a week.
Theatrical Poster
Source: Wikipedia
To begin the review in the most blunt of fashions; I love Donnie Darko, but, like most people that watch it, I haven't got the faintest idea of what it's about.

Was the whole film a figment of Donnie's imagination? Did any of it even happen? Was there an element of time travel? and, what is the relationship between Grandma Death and Frank?

These are just a selection of the questions that I was begging to be answered while at the same time praying they weren't. The charm of Donnie Darko is in the mystery surrounding it and every single member of the audience will take something completely different away from it.

Either way, it introduced the wonderful talent of Jake Gyllenhaal to the world who was as creepy as he was funny throughout. Striding around the town with a menacing grin, and his bowed head covered by his hood ensured that it was perhaps he that we feared more than the entirely unrelatable Frank.

A wonderful multi-layered film that I loved for no particular reason. If you can pick it apart, please do let me know.
